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Useful. Necessary. Free.
Dance Team Personality Types
The Pom Book
A fun list that describes all of the crazy personalities that may be on your team. Which one are you?
If you need some pom choreography inspiration, this innovative "look book" is the tool for you.
Want unique team building activities? We put together this incredible list of easy activities to bond your team like glue!
TRA Team Builders
What Dancers Look For In A Coach
What does today's dancer look for in a coach? We did all of the research, you get the results.
Zen Boost: yoga, pilates & strengthening workout for your team
Master Class: Interview with Karl Mundt, owner and founder of Innovate Dance
Master Class: Interview with Carol Lloyd, head dance coach at University of Memphis
Master Class: Interview with Jodi Maxfield, dance director, Brigham Young University Cougarettes
Master Class interview with Patrice Barakat, owner of Cutting Edge Dance Center & Mark Meismer, legendary choreographer
Seven awesome sportsmanship tips

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